Welcome to Sanger Adult School! Our staff is here to serve you and our community with educational opportunities that will help you get ahead in the world. Sanger Adult School is open to adults age 18 and over. Students do not need to live in Sanger to attend our school.
At Sanger Adult School, you can…
- Earn or continue your high school diploma.
- Learn to read, write, and speak English.
- Sharpening your English Skills
- Train for a career.
- Build your confidence with technology.
- Accommodate your work schedule.
- Prepare for college or career training.
- Take Reedley College Classes.
Please continue to explore our website to learn more about the programs we offer. If you see something you like and need more information, please contact us in person, by phone or email.
Sanger Adult School offers high quality education and is accredited by the Western Area Schools and Colleges.
Most of our career training courses are on the local Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL) which enables us to serve clients from sponsoring agencies such as Workforce Connection, Fresno County Department of Social Services, CalWORKS, Proteus, Workers Comp, Tribal Governments, and more.
Thank you for taking an interest in our school. We hope to serve you or your family members in the near future.
Lori Hawkyard,