Emergency Dispatcher
Prepare yourself to become an emergency dispatcher
An emergency medical dispatcher is a professional telecommunicator, tasked with the gathering of information related to medical emergencies, the provision of assistance and instructions by voice, prior to the arrival of emergency medical services (EMS), and the dispatching and support of EMS resources responding to an emergency call.
The term “emergency medical dispatcher” is also a certification level and a professional designation, certified through the Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials-International (APSCOI) and the International Academies of Emergency Dispatch.
Class Schedules
Notice: Dates on this list are subjected to change and may not reflect 100% accuracy. Please call (559) 524-7775 to confirm.
Requirements & Expectations
- 20 Hours of Dispatch Sit along hours outside the class
- 5 weeks Prep Course + 1 week Academy Course and Certification
- All fees include Books, Material, Certification costs.
- Strong Interest in Emergency Services and Dispatch.
- ID and Social Security Card or Individual Tax ID Number must be provided at the time of registration. Name on ID and Social Security Card or Individual Tax
ID Number MUST match. - Must attend an orientation to complete enrollment.
- Clean background check, (A background Check disclosure form will be required)
- Take an EMD Candidate Aptitude Test prior to the Orientation.
Course Fee
Registration & Information
Call VROP at (559) 876-2122
Call for information